Sunday, October 14, 2007


Hear ye! Hear ye! The Citizen's have raised their voice and spoken! Al Gore is officially the Citizen's President! Two Oscars, an Emmy and the Nobel Peace Prize! Its a clean sweep!

Let me put it into perspective for you,

Right now Al Gore has more power to determine the future of the citizen sector than he has or will ever have. If he decides to contest for the presidency he will lose in status and power, not gain

He has popular support. He has instituional citizen sector suport. He has the ears and eyes of the world. He is bigger and sexier than Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan combineed. He has Hilary Clinton in the White House!

He has credibility. He has influence globally and does not need to indulge in the horse trading that defines global diplomacy and politics.

The Draft Gore campaign says "America and the Earth need a hero right now, someone who will transcend politics as usual and bring real hope to our country and to the world." He has transcended politics and this is a significant moment in the politic history of our times.

Wouldn't it a great to see his movie An Inconvenient Truth adapted to local audiences in Africa and shown to the people? And have them marketed as aggressively in Africa as in the US and in Europe? And wouldn't it be great if a local producers made a movie about our own experience of climate change and our solutions to the threat?

How about signing up to Current TV , Gore's global network of television stations? Isn't this an awesome opportunity to ensure that the African voice is heard in the global discourse? How can we ensure that the state run propoganda stations don't monopolize this high visual impact space?

This is a moment for the citizen sector and social entrepreneurs to step in and act. This is not just A Green Tipping Point, it is a tipping piont for the citizen sector. And Gore's soldiers are from the citizen sector.

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